15-Minute Full Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Full body workout

When it comes to working out, most people think of the gym and some expensive programs. But to achieve great results, you can do it at home without any specialized equipment. It is important to be consistent and do the exercises every day for at least a month and the results will surprise you.

1. Push-ups
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Start on your knees and hands with your palms under your shoulders. Next, stand on the balls of your feet, then walk your feet back until you are in a plank position. Bend your elbows, lowering your body down. Then slowly push yourself back up to the starting position.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

2. Bicycle crunches
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Place your hands behind your head and lift your legs. Move your legs as if you were riding a bicycle.

Do this as much as you can.

3. Jump squats
6 Simple Exercises to Sculpt an Hourglass Body

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands in front of you and remember to keep your back straight at all times. Now slowly lower yourself down as if you were sitting in a chair, as far as you can. From that position, jump up as high as you can. Return to the starting position and repeat the process.

Repeat this exercise 20 times.

4. Lunges
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Begin the exercises standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Next, step forward with one leg and bend your knees until your back knee almost touches the floor. Then, move your body backward. Then switch legs.

Do 20 reps.

5. Side plank
6 Simple Exercises to Sculpt an Hourglass Body

Get into a plank position. Rotate your right shoulder and hip toward the ceiling, turning your feet so that the inside of your right foot and the outside of your left foot are on the floor. Return to the starting position.

Repeat ten times on each side.

6. Mountain climber
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While placing your arms and feet on the floor, move your legs as if you were going up high while keeping your hands fixed on the floor.

Do this as much as you can.

7. Glute bridges
30-day challenge to get a firm butt

Lie on the floor with your palms facing down and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your body using your feet and hips.

Repeat it 15 times.

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