Many women want to have a small, wasp-shaped waist in no time and have a slim figure. To achieve this, the first and most necessary thing is to improve lifestyle habits.
The two main factors that affect the accumulation of fat in your body are diet and exercise, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Try these exercises that will help you have a slim waist.
1. Seated twist

Sit on the mat with your legs bent, relax your elbows and hold your hands.
From this position, slowly rotate to the right, while touching the floor near your hips, then return to the center and continue to the left to complete one repetition.
Remember that the movement is not large and should come from the rotation of the trunk. Try to keep your abdomen contracted at all times and that this movement is performed in a more controlled manner.
Do 30 repetitions.
2. Windshield wipers

Lie on the floor and extend your arms out to the sides.
Raise your legs until they form a 90-degree angle.
Using your arms, move both legs to the right side and then to the opposite side.
You should repeat this 15 to 25 times.
3. Side plank

First, you need to lie on your right side with your legs extended and your feet and hips resting on the floor on top of each other.
Next, your right elbow should be directly under your shoulder, as shown in the illustration, and then contract your core muscles and lift your hips and knees off the floor.
You need to hold for as long as you can. Then return to the starting position. Then do the other side and repeat.
4. Knee to elbow plank

irst, the starting position is a traditional plank position with your forearms on the floor and your body perfectly straight.
Then bring your left knee towards your left elbow, and then return to the plank position. Then repeat by bringing your right knee towards your right elbow.
Do 15 repetitions.
5. Mountain climber crossed

For this exercise, you need to get into a high plank position.
Continue bringing your left knee towards your right arm, then bring it back to the starting position and then do the same but with your right knee towards your left arm, reproducing the appearance of a climbing movement.
Count up to 30 movements between both legs.
6. Lumberjack

You’ll need a medicine ball (like the one pictured) or some dumbbells.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart with the weight on your left leg.
First, start by holding the dumbbell in both hands by your left shoulder, then rotate to make a cutting motion toward your right hip.
Next, let your feet and knees pivot with the twist and lift the dumbbell back up toward your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps.
Do 20 reps on each side.