Whether you’re looking for powerful quads or toned thighs, these synonyms mean the same thing: you want strong, lean legs. But if you’re spending hours on the treadmill or elliptical doing nothing else, you’re taking the wrong approach.
Strength training is the best way to sculpt a leaner physique . K. Aleisha Fetters, author of Fitness Tips for Over 50, has you covered. Whether you have weights handy or not, these five exercises are all you need to strengthen and tone your thighs.
1. Barbell Hip Thrust

Start by practicing with a barbell with a light weight on it and place it on the floor in front of you. Grab a typical weight bench and sit with your back against it (sideways).
Now make sure your shoulders are pressed into the padded section of the bench, with the soles of your feet pressed into the floor.
Lift the barbell over your legs and sit it in your lap on your hip bones, making sure it remains straight and well balanced.
Use your hands to stabilize the bar before pushing yourself up with your heels, squeezing your glutes throughout and making sure your shins remain vertical.
Pause at the top (when your back is horizontal to the floor) before lowering yourself a few inches and repeating the movement. If your shins move excessively backwards or forwards during the push, it means you are losing focus on your glutes and using your quads and hamstrings instead. So avoid fast reps, focus on contracting your glute muscles and make sure the range of motion is fairly shallow. It should be roughly the same as the glute bridge mentioned above.
Complete between 8 and 12 reps.
2. Single leg squat

Stand with your arms extended in front of you (they will help you keep your balance).
Now lift your left leg and as you do so lower your body as if you were going to sit down. When you reach the limit, hold for a few seconds and then rise back to the starting position.
Repeat with one leg and then the other.
Complete 12 repetitions with each leg.
3. Side lunge

Stand with your feet and knees together.
If comfortable, hold a pair of dumbbells.
Take a large step with your right foot out to the right side.
Slowly lunge toward the floor, keeping your right knee from extending past your toes and your left leg relatively straight.
Now push off with your right foot to return to a standing position.
Repeat the same process on the other side.
Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.
4. Bulgarian split squat

Assume a split stance with your right foot forward and your left foot elevated on a bench behind you.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows close to your body.
Inhale and lower your left knee (back knee) toward the floor while keeping your torso upright.
Exhale and push your right foot (front foot) toward the floor to return to the starting position.
Complete 10 repetitions, then switch legs. Complete three sets on each leg.
5. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

With a dumbbell in each hand, take a long lunge backward with one leg.
Plant your heel firmly down and lower yourself until your back knee touches the floor.
Push off with your front leg to come back up and repeat on the other side.
Complete 12 reps with each leg.