Shaping your abdominal area is certainly not an easy task, if it were everyone could have them. To achieve great results, diet and exercise are essential.
In today’s article, we present you a 14-day challenge that will give you amazing results if you stick to it and will boost your morale to focus even more on your body and also your health.
1. Abs with cut

Start by lying on the floor with your legs raised and your arms above your head and breathe deeply.
As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor. And as you stand up, open your legs so that your arms are between your legs (cut).
You should repeat this movement for 1 minute.
2. Oblique abdominal touching

Lie on a hard surface with your hands on your neck.
Push yourself up and reach your right hand to touch the opposite calf.
Come back and do the same on the opposite side.
Complete 10 reps on each side for 4 sets.
3. Iron

Lie face down on the floor.
Position your arms so that your shoulders are directly over your elbows, with your wrists aligned with your elbows in a straight line (see image above).
Contract your abdominal muscles and glutes (the muscles that form your buttocks) and hold the position for as long as you can. Gradually increase the length of time you hold the position.
Rest for about a minute between repetitions.
Try to hold for as long as possible.
4. Bicycle crunches

Lie down on an exercise mat, facing upwards.
Place your arms with your hands behind your ears or head.
end your legs alternately, bringing them closer to your abdomen. Synchronise the movement of your legs with that of your arms. Bring the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg. And vice versa.
Try to do between 10 and 15 repetitions with each leg.
5. Oblique abdominal raising leg

In a side position, place one hand behind your head and stretch the other arm on the floor.
Lift your body and legs at the same time, so that you work your lateral abdominal muscles, trying to bring your elbow towards your leg.
Do the exercise for 30 seconds on each side.
6. Elbow to knee crunches

To do this exercise, you must lie on your back.
Extend your legs and put your hands touching your head.
Then, keeping both legs raised a few centimeters, raise your left leg and try to bring your right elbow to your knee.
Return to the initial position. And do the movement on the opposite side. This is one repetition.
You must repeat it 15 times.
7. Triangular crunch

Start by kneeling on your right knee, extend your left leg out to the left side, place the palm of your left hand flat on the surface and place your right hand on the back of your head.
Bring your left knee up towards your left elbow and do a sit-up.
eturn to the starting position, repeat and then alternate sides.
On each side do at least 1 minute for a full set.
8. Windshield wipers

Lie on the floor and extend your arms out to the sides.
Raise your legs until they form a 90-degree angle.
Using your arms, move both legs to the right side and then to the opposite side.
You should repeat this 15 to 25 times.
9. Hip raises on the ball

Lie on your back on the floor with your heels on the large exercise ball with your hands flat on the floor.
Slowly lift your hips, applying pressure to your hands, and use your feet to drag the ball towards you.
Then, in the opposite movement, bring the ball back to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise for 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.