This exercise is more effective than doing 1000 sit-ups a day

“ 10 minutes of abs ,” my college track coach would yell at the end of every practice.

I hated crunches. It’s not that I was lazy – I was an athlete, after all. But who wants to do 10 minutes of crunches? Seriously! It’s so boring. However, some days I had to do up to 1,000 crunches (or more).

But no more sit-ups: I know a better exercise.

If you’re like me, you don’t want to waste your time on boring abs… but you still want a flat stomach. Flat, toned abs aren’t just attractive, they’re also a strong core that’s important for your health .

If you want strong, sexy, flat abs, but don’t want to waste your time doing endless crunches, we have good news for you. Fitness experts have found the solution: an exercise that can replace up to 1,000 crunches .

This exercise is called the “plank” or “the plank.” It is a static exercise. You only have to use your body weight to keep your body straight, while maintaining balance on your hands and feet, without making any movements. This incredibly effective exercise only takes 60 seconds.

Here’s how to do it:

Follow these instructions to find the correct starting position:

  • Press your palms firmly into the floor. Stretch your shoulders and keep your neck elongated.
  • Your hands should be comfortable.
  • Squeeze your glutes to activate your lower body muscles.
  • You should feel your legs getting a little warmer. If not, move your heels further apart. And remember to only touch your toes.

When you have the perfect position, you are ready to begin:

  • Press your hands into the floor. Press your elbows into the floor as well.
  • Make sure your wrists are in line with your shoulders. Keep your back straight.
  • Look up, but not too far, about 75 centimeters in front of you. The back of your head should be parallel to the ceiling. Your nose should be pointing toward the floor.
  • Stretch your left leg back and then extend your right leg.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Hold this position for 20 to 60 seconds. If you can only do it for 20 seconds at first, that’s okay. Gradually increase the time until you can reach 60 seconds.
  • Take a short break for about 20 – 30 seconds in that position.
  • Do this exercise 3 times in a row. Soon you will be able to repeat this 3 times for 60 seconds each. Do this 3 – 4 times a week for best results.

But the best thing is that if the explanations are not clear, you should watch the following video:

This exercise is not suitable with a bad diet. Make sure you are eating clean, healthy foods, following a diet full of organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes. Do this exercise for at least 20 – 30 minutes a day using a combination of cardio and strength work. It will be a workout you will enjoy! By following a healthy diet, some exercise and adding this “plank” to your routine you can have great abs to show off on the beach.

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